"Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day I can hear her breathing." (Fighting the banana wars- Harriet Lamb- brilliant book!)
Another world is possible but it needs people to stand up, have a voice and make a change. The opportunity to take part in a poverty week has really opened my eyes to how small our challenges are in comparison to what others have to face throughout their lives in the third world. We spent 5 days struggling with a lifestyle that is still 100 X more luxurious then anybody in the third world will ever get to experience. For me this has gone beyond just feeling hungry, and i acknowledge the support i've had- friends who have offered to cook me dinner..buy one get one free in the supermarket- are opportunities that are not realistic in the third world. i don't think i can even begin to imagine how they get through everyday... but what i can take from this is how i have felt during the week. one word pretty much sums it up: guilty.
guilty of having so much and others having so little, guilty of overlooking in my everyday life how actually having a choice is a luxury, guilty of not appreciating everything that i have or not taking the time to and guilty of the fact that 1 child will die every 5 seconds today, tomorrow, and on into the future because of poverty.
i wonder how much longer we're going to keep ignoring this? what are we waiting for? if theres one thing i'm actually sure of from this week it's that we have the ability to make some noise about this and get the government to do something- i mean what gives us the right to live without hunger and poverty when people across the world are suffering.
this is a reality, we need to stop brushing it under the carpet and putting it 'out of sight out of mind'...i mean if starving Africa was on our doorstep- would people be more likely to step up and do something?..people don't want to see the reality but the fact is its going to keep getting worse and the divide between us and the third world will just continue to widen...
for any one who has read my posts firstly thank you...now please do one thing for me... ask yourself when your sat eating with plenty whether you think it's fair, maybe wonder what our world must look like through their eyes and then ask yourself whether your really going to sit there for another 3.6 seconds while someone else dies of hunger or whether your voice will join others and fight for a better world.
another thankyou so much to everyone who has taken part in poverty week, your stories and experiences have been inspiring and given me hope of the support that is needed to make a difference in this world. so proud.
(an interesting read: