Tuesday, 15 February 2011


So day two seems to have gone fairly ok, walking onto campus today in the pouring rain was an effort and I was tempted to use my car but I didn't cave and actually the fresh air and exercise did me good I think. I have really been limiting my water usage and had a two minute shower this morning and didn't wash my hair! Going to save that until things get really desperate (I'm fairly sure most of my housemates think things have already gone past desperate, but never mind!). Cooking is proving more difficult, but found an ingenious way to cook veg/potatoes I only used one lot of boiling water and drained it into a saucepan once the potatoes were cooked for the veg. It does make you think though, that not having an unlimited supply of water makes you so much more careful and you do have to come up with ways to work around it.

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