Tuesday, 15 February 2011

So far eaten donations today of breadsticks (yum) and a banana...managed to do a little work and feel fine but admittedly a little drowsy...amazing how sleepy I'm feeling at the moment!  It's made me really think about the fact I'm so lucky to have the resources to buy what I want usually and also making me feel frustrated that people in the third world have to actively live and work all day (to feed their families!) despite being malnourished.  They don't have the luxury or option of an afternoon nap when their feeling hungry. 
Was doing a bit of reading earlier from UNICEF:
"Nearly one in four people, 1.3 billion - a majority of humanity - live on less than $1 per day, while the world's 358 billionaires have assets exceeding the combined annual incomes of countries with 45 percent of the world's people."
Grr man the worlds unfair!!!...being hungry and on a sugar-low also = me feeling more fractious about how we have SO much and give SO little!
Becoming increasing frustrated that we don't do more.  We have these facts and figures at our finger tips WHY can't the government pass more legislation to help the third world and why are we not pushing harder to make them legislate?!  We have a voice why don't we use it?
Every 3.6 seconds someone dies of hunger whilst in the western world we indulge in fast food, meals out, daily coffees, lunches, sweet treats. Fair?...No.  
Spending a lot of time thinking when i guess I'd usually be eating.(sigh)  If there's one conclusion I've come to so far it's that my sacrifice for these 5 days is nothing compared to what people in the third world sacrifice everyday of their lives.  
"The World Health Organization estimates that one-third of the world is well-fed, one-third is under-fed one-third is starving- Since you've read this post at least 200 people have died of starvation. Over 4 million will die this year."

I'd like to think when i reach for that 50p bar of galaxy next week I'll think more about what it means to have that privilege and more what that money could do to better serve others then for my own means.


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