Tuesday, 15 February 2011

And DAY TWO begins...

I think first day of Poverty Week started off great- we handed out roses to people with the message that we all live in an increasingly inter-connected world and that love should not be bound into any boundaries! I think it was a really good way to start the week as this week is all about showing how lucky we are to live where we do, but we could just as easily live a completely different life. For my challenge this week I am walking an extra 3 miles every day (about 5km) on top of what I would walk regularly. After researching, I found out that 3 miles is the distance some people have to walk to get clean water (many walk much further than this). Yesterday, wearing my iPod that has a pedometer on it, I managed to hit my target. Although, I was a bit under by a mile by 8pm and my boyfriend and I decided to walk to the restaurant (that we would normally get a taxi to) the walk was lovely but I wore heels and now have a big old blister for my silly shoe choice! Yesterday really got me thinking- what if I had to walk this distance not to go for dinner, or to run an errand, but because my family had no water? I felt very lucky that we are able to turn on a tap and have clean water. It's just so easy to take these things for granted. xxx 

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